Poss. HM George I's 22-Great Grandfather. Poss. HRE Ferdinand I's 19-Great Grandfather. Poss. HRE Charles VI's 22-Great Grandfather. Poss. U.S. President [HAYES]'s 24-Great Grandfather. Poss. PM Churchill's 28-Great Grandfather. Poss. Agnes Harris's 23-Great Grandfather. Poss. `Osawatomie' Brown's 27-Great Grandfather.
________ | ________ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _____ | _____ | _____ |
| | | | | | / | -- Eadbald AETHELBRYHTING of KENT + | ==&=> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | | | / | -- Eorcenbert EADBALDING (King) of KENT
| | | | | / | \ | -- Emma (Ymma) of AUSTRASIA + | ==&=> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | | / | -- Egbert I EARCONBRYHTING (King) of KENT
| | | | / | \ | -- Seaxburh UUFFING of EAST ANGLIA + | ==&=> [ 234 ,,qD,&]
| | | / | -- Wihtred OISCINGA (King) of KENT (673? - 725)
| | | / | \ | -- sister of Arwald + | ====> [ 1]
| | / | -- Eadbert VVIHTREDING (co-King) of KENT (? - 762)
| | / | \ | -- Ethelburg
| / | -- Eardwulf (co-King) of KENT
/ | -- Oswulf of BERNICIA (? - 810+)
| | \ | / OR: Eardwulf (Duke) + | ====> [ 255 ,,p,&]
| | | | | | | / | -- Eostrewen + | ==&=> [ 239 ,,qD,&]
| | | | | | | / | | / (skip this generation?)
| | | | | | / | -- Breguwine
| | | | | | / | | / (skip this generation?)
| | | | | / | -- Eahlwine (Eanwine)
| | | | / | -- Alchred (King) of NORTHUMBRIA (? - 774?)
| | \ | -- Alchfleda
| | | \ | / OR: prob. not Sigythe + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | | | | / | -- Eadbert (King) of NORTHUMBRIA + | ==&=> [ 240 ,,qD,&]
| | | | | / | -- Oswulf (King) of NORTHUMBRIA (? - 759?)
| | | \ | -- Osgyfu
| | | | \ | / | -- poss. Bernnoth (Prince) of MERCIA + | ==&=> [ 255 ,,xD,&]
/ | | | \ | -- Ricthryth
- Eardwulf (King) of BERNICIA
\ | | | | | / | -- Penda `the Strong' of MERCIA + | ====> [ 241 ,,q,&]
| | | | | / | -- Wulfhere (Wulfred) (King) of MERCIA
| | | | | / | \ | -- Cynewise + | ==&=> [ 255 ,,xD,&]
| | | | / | -- Bernwine (Prince) of MERCIA
| | | | / | \ | -- (NN), fourth wife
| | | / | -- Beornred (usurper King) of MERCIA (? - 757+)
| | / | -- Bernnoth (Prince) of MERCIA
\ | -- Bernthryth of MERCIA