Tiamat, Ocean of Salt Water
(PRIMORDIAL); poss. aka Mummu the Creator GOD'; `She who bore them all'; (some show her as virgin, her children having no 'father.')
Poss. Jullus of Rome's 18-Great Grandmother.
Apsu, Ocean of Sweet Water
; Apophis (Egyptian GOD of DARKNESS)
; Kingu, GOD
; Marduk, Chief GOD of ASSYRIA
Kingu, GOD
; Lahmu, the Primordial GOD
; Lahamu, the Primordial GODDESS
; The mortal world of Babylon
; 11 monsters to avenge Apsu's death
Possible Child:
conjectured sources for Illuyanka
__________ | __________ | _________ | _________ | _________ | ______ | ______ | _____ |
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- Tiamat, Ocean of Salt Water
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\ | -- Nammu, GODDESS of the Sea
Her (poss.) Grandchildren:
Adapa (King) of ERIDU
; Anshar, the Primordial GOD
; Kishar, the Primordial GODDESS
; Illuyanka the DRAGON (GOD)
Her (poss.) Great Grandchildren:
Kain (Cain) [alt ped]
; Adam, the First Man
; Anu, GOD of the Sky
; Anatu (GODDESS)
; Ki Urash, GODDESS of the Earth
; daughter of Illuyanka
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