Cassander (King) of SICAMBRI

HM George I's 49-Great Grandfather.       HRE Ferdinand I's 48-Great Grandfather.       Agnes Harris's 56-Great Grandfather.

 Wife/Partner:       ?
 Child:       Antharius (King) of the SICAMBRI
/-- Helenus IV of CIMME.   +====> [ 93 ,,Y]
/-- Antenor I of the CIMMERIANS
/-- Marcomir I (King) of SICAMBRI
/-- Antenor II (III; King) of SICAMBRI
/-- Priamus (V; Priam) (King) of SICAMBRI
/  \-- Cambra
/-- Helenus V (King) of SICAMBRI
/-- Diocles (King) of SICAMBRI
/-- Bassanus Magnus (King) of SICAMBRI
/   / OR: poss. Antenor of the CIMMERIANS   +====> [ 70 ,,Y]
/-- Clodimir I (King) of SICAMBRI  (? - 232? BC)
/-- Orcades(?) (King) of NORGE in ORKNEYS (ORCODES)
/  \-- (NN; Princess) of NORGE
/-- Nicanor I (King) of SICAMBRI  (? - 197? BC)
/-- Marcomir II (King) of SICAMBRI  (? - 170? BC)
/-- Elidure (Chieftain) in BRITAIN
/  \-- (Princess) in BRITAIN
/-- Clodius I (King) of SICAMBRI  (? - 159? BC)
/-- Antenor III (King) of SICAMBRI  (? - 143? BC)
/-- Clodimir II (King) of SICAMBRI  (? - 123? BC)
/-- Merodachus (King) of SICAMBRI  (? - 95? BC)
- Cassander (King) of SICAMBRI
\-- ?

  His 3-Great Grandchild:       Clodomir III (King) of the FRANKS
  His 9-Great Grandchildren:       Clodimir IV (King) of FRANKS   ;   (Miss) of the FRANKS

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