Born: Champagne, France Died: aft. 1066 Prestatyn, Flints., Wales
Poss. HM George I's 20-Great Grandfather. Poss. HRE Charles VI's 19-Great Grandfather. U.S. President [WASHINGTON]'s 21-Great Grandfather. HRH Charles's 27-Great Grandfather. PM Churchill's 25-Great Grandfather. Lady Diana's 26-Great Grandfather. Poss. Agnes Harris's 21-Great Grandfather. `Osawatomie' Brown's 24-Great Grandfather.
________ | ________ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _____ | _____ | _____ |
| | | | | | | / | -- Ragnvald (Earl/Jarl) of MORE + | ====> [ 255 ,,pT,&]
| | | | | | | / | | / or: Bernard the DANE
| | | | | | / | -- Rollo `the Dane' RAGNVALDSSON
| | | | | | | | \ | / OR: Robert (of Norway) RAGNVALDSSON + | ====> [ 1]
| | | | | | | | \ | -- Ragnhild HROLFSDOTTIR + | ====> [ 2]
| | | | | | / | | | / or: wife of Bernard
| | | | | / | -- Guillaume (2nd Duke) of NORMANDY
| | | | | / | \ | -- Poppa (Poppaeia) de VALOIS + | ====> [ 255 ,c,p,&]
| | | | / | -- Richard I `the Fearless' (Count) of NORMANDY
| | | | / | \ | -- Sprota de BRETAGNE (concubine) + | ====> [ 1]
| | | / | -- Richard II `the Good' of NORMANDY (963? - 1027)
| | | | | \ | / (skip this generation?)
| | | | | | | / | -- Herbastus (Sire) de CREPON + | ====> [ 255 ,g,&]
| | | | | | | | | | / or: (NN), a Dane
| | | | | | | / | | / or: Forquelar of CIRQUES
| | | | | \ | -- Gunnora (Gonnor) de CREPON (936? - 1031?)
| | | | | | \ | / OR: prob. not Emma de FRANCE + | ==&=> [ 255 ,c,ptm,&]
| | | | | | | | / OR: prob. not Gunnora DENMARK + | ====> [ 255 ,gc,t,&]
| | | | | | \ | -- poss. Cynthia of OBATRIDES + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | / | | | | / or: poss. Cyrid of SWEDEN
| | / | -- Mauger `the Young' of NORMANDY (986? - 1040?)
| | | | \ | -- Poppa de ENVERMEU (skip?)
| | / | | | / OR: prob. not Judith of BRITTANY + | ==&=> [ 255 ,C,ptmD,&]
| / | -- William (Count) de CORBEIL (? - 1068)
| | | \ | | | / | -- Osmond `the Dane' de CORBEIL (? - 910+)
| | | | | | / | -- Aymon (Count) de CORBEIL (? - 960?)
| | | | | / | -- Albert (Count) of CORBEIL (930? - 970+)
| | | | | / | \ | -- Elizabeth de VENDOME (? - 933+)
| | | \ | -- Germaine of CORBEIL
| / | | | / or: (Miss) de ST. CLAIR-EN-AUGE (of BASSENVILLE)
/ | -- prob. not Regnault (Comte) de CORBEIL
/ |
- Robert (de Prestatyn; de) BANASTER
\ |
\ | -- poss. (Miss) de DAMMARTIN (skip?)