Poss. HM George I's 23-Great Grandfather. Poss. HRE Ferdinand I's 20-Great Grandfather. Poss. HRE Charles VI's 24-Great Grandfather. Poss. U.S. President [MADISON]'s 24-Great Grandfather. Poss. PM Churchill's 27-Great Grandfather. Poss. Agnes Harris's 21-Great Grandfather. Poss. `Osawatomie' Brown's 27-Great Grandfather.
________ | ________ | ________ | ________ | _______ | _______ | _______ | _______ | ______ | _____ | _____ |
| | | | / | -- Chlothar I (2nd King) of All FRANKS + | ==&=> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | / | -- Chilperic I (King) of SOISSONS (533? - 588?)
| | | | | \ | -- Ingonde (Saint) of THURINGIA + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | | | | | / OR: Arnegundis + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | / | | | / or: Chunsina (Chrusine Chunsena Gunsine Gunsinde) of BOURGOGNE, mistress
| | / | -- Clotaire (Clothaire Chlothar) II (3rd King) of All FRANKS
| | / | \ | -- Fredegunde (Fregonde) d' ARDENNES + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| / | -- Charibert (Caribert) II (King) of AQUITAINE
| | | \ | / | -- Brunulphe II (Comte) d' ARDENNES + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | \ | -- Sichilde d' ARDENNES (590? - ?)
| | | | | / OR: poss. Berthetrude of BURGUNDY + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| / | | | / OR: poss. Haldetrude of AUSTRASIA + | ====> [ 255 ,,xY,&]
/ | -- prob. not Boggis (Duke) of AQUITAINE (626? - 688?)
| | \ | | / | -- poss. Sevenus I (Duke) of AQUITAINE + | ====> [ 1]
| | | | / | -- Amand (Duke) of GASCONY
/ | \ | -- Gisela of GASCONY
- Eudes (Eudo; I) of AQUITAINE
\ | | | | / | -- Clovis `the Great' of All FRANKS + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | | / | -- Chlothar I (2nd King) of All FRANKS
| | | | / | \ | -- Clothilde (Princess) of BURGUNDY + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | / | -- Chilperic I (King) of SOISSONS (533? - 588?)
| | | | | \ | -- Ingonde (Radegonde; Saint) of THURINGIA + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | | | | | / OR: Arnegundis + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | / | | | / or: Chunsina (Chrusine Chunsena Gunsine Gunsinde) of BOURGOGNE, mistress
| | / | -- Clotaire (Clothaire Chlothar) II (3rd King) of All FRANKS
| | | | \ | / | -- Branulphe (Brunulphe) (I) d' ARDENNES + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | | \ | -- Fredegunde (Fregonde) d' ARDENNES
| | / | | \ | -- Crotechilde the OSTROGOTH (508? - ?)
\ | -- prob. not Oda (Ode) (Saint) of the FRANKS
| \ | / or: Hugbern (Afre : Oda's sister)
| | | | / | -- Branulphe (Brunulphe) (I) d' ARDENNES + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | / | -- Brunulphe II (Comte) d' ARDENNES (550? - 618)
| | | / | \ | -- Crotechilde the OSTROGOTH (508? - ?)
| \ | -- Sichilde d' ARDENNES (590? - ?)
| | | / OR: poss. Berthetrude of BURGUNDY + | ====> [ 255 ,,x,&]
| | | / OR: poss. Haldetrude of AUSTRASIA + | ====> [ 255 ,,xY,&]