Atiratu, Semitic GODDESS of Fertility
aka Ilatu, Attaru, Astarte, Asherah, poss. Asratum; (one of several names for the ancient Mother GODDESS, see list at Minerva)
Poss. Jullus of Rome's 15-Great Grandmother. HM George I's 93-Great Grandmother. HRE Ferdinand I's 89-Great Grandmother. `Osawatomie' Brown's 100-Great Grandmother.
poss. Husbands/Partners:
El Shaddai, Supreme GOD of CANAAN
; Amurru, GOD of the AMORITES
; Amor (Amorus) of AMORITES
Yam (Ugaritic GOD of the Sea)
; Elohim, GOD of ISRAEL
Possible Children:
Asherah (Queen of HEAVEN)
; Uni (Etruscan Supreme GODDESS)
; (NN) ... (NN) of the AMORITES
; Asherah, the MOON Tree
Alternative Mother of Possible Children:
poss. Adg-ar-kidug
Her (poss.) Grandchildren:
Illuyanka the DRAGON (GOD)
; Samael (Sammael) the DEMON
; Lilith the DEMONESS
; Adam, the First Man
; Eve, the First Woman
; Seed of the GRIGORI
; Yehoshua ben YOSEF the SAVIOUR
; Jakaranti, IMMORTAL Angel of the QEMANT
; Maris (Etruscan GOD of Fertility)
; Menrva (Etruscan GODDESS)
; Aram-Madara of AMORRU
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